You deserve to feel better.
I'm here to help.
Orofacial myofunctional therapy has helped hundreds of my clients sleep better, breathe easier, and live pain-free.
So can you!
About Kristen

Chances are, I'm a lot like you.
I struggled through high school with asthma, allergy, and anxiety medications, bouncing from doctor to doctor with little success. I struggled to breathe but pushed through those long basketball games anyway.
I knew there had to be other solutions to help me access all the air in my lungs and get better sleep.
So, I spent my college years learning about biology, nutrition, sleep, and exercise. I became a dental hygienist and learned how important the structure of a person's mouth is to their wellbeing. That's when I discovered holistic dentistry and how it can work to improve how a person's mouth functions so they can live their life more fully.
Excited about the possibilities, I completed my own myofunctional therapy and found incredible results:
eliminated allergies and asthma
better jaw and tongue position
improved nasal breathing
waking more rested
fully open airway
It felt like a miracle! My passion for OMT led me to join the Association of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT) where I certified as an orofacial myofunctional therapist in 2017. I offer myofunctional therapy in Utah and around the world through virtual meetings.
I've been blessed to help over 300 adults and children improve their health in so many ways. They sleep better, breathe easier, snore less, sleep deeper, and live pain-free.
I'd love to help you or your child on your journey to better health! Let's meet!
My Mission
My mission at Happy Mouth Myo is to empower individuals to improve their quality of life through myofunctional therapy and the natural benefits of proper nasal breathing.
I educate about optimal oral and facial muscle function to promote holistic wellness. My clients will unlock the potential for more restful (and quieter) sleep, enhanced physical performance, and improved vitality.