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It's not you. It's your tongue.

Snoring, jaw pain, teeth grinding, mouth breathing, frequent trips to the bathroom at night, waking up exhausted—the odds are good your tongue and jaw aren’t playing nice.


What Is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy or OMT?

CBCT scan before and after myofunctional therapy

The easiest explanation for orofacial myofunctional therapy is that it’s the process of retraining the tongue, mouth, jaw, and throat muscles to rest and function properly.


When one of these is out of balance, all the others are affected. Frequent jaw pain is often related to certain headaches and neck pain—not to mention misaligned bites and crowded teeth.


The result? You can’t breathe, rest, or even chew food well. And that means your body is constantly fighting for air and relaxation when you eat, sleep, and exercise.

Orofacial myofunctional therapists help people


  • live with less jaw pain and discomfort

  • feel more rested in the morning

  • breathe easier

  • speak clearer

  • kiss better (!)

Do I Need Myofunctional Therapy?

Your holistic dentist or a holistic Instagram influencer probably sent you hunting for a "myofunctional therapist near me," but you might not be sure if orofacial myofunctional therapy is the right solution. 


If any of these sound like you, then OMT might be exactly what you need . . .

You've been told you must do myofunctional therapy before your tongue tie release.


You've gotten used to that nagging jaw pain and tension in your head and neck.


You get 7-8 hours of sleep but still feel exhausted when you wake up.


You feel like you're always short on air when you need it most.


You get up to use the bathroom more than once in a night.


You have brain fog more often than you'd like to admit.


Your child's speech therapy is only doing so much.


You suspect you may have a tongue tie.

You breathe through your mouth.


You toss and turn a lot at night.


You grind or clench your teeth.


You have frequent acid reflux.


Your child still wets the bed.


You or your partner snores.


You have a recessed jaw.


You have halitosis.

Children who snore have an



of a lowered IQ

I'm Kristen Knecht,
your certified OMT therapist.

All the vitamins and self-care routines in the world can't solve the negative health impacts of a weak tongue and restricted airway, but orofacial myofunctional therapy can.
That's why I'm incredibly passionate about helping women, men, and children achieve better nasal breathing and more restful sleep through neuromuscular exercises. 


Now available! My NEW myofunctional book for children ages 3-7 to help them build healthy, strong mouths early!


Why Clients Love Myofunctional Therapy!

My neck doesn't feel nearly so tight as it did before. My jaw and ears feel better too! I am excited to keep going!

Margaret M.

(after 7 weeks)

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I don't snore nearly as much as I did before, and my ribs don't hurt because my wife isn't poking me to wake up!

Chuck M.

(after 12 weeks)

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I just finished a run, and I breathed through my nose the whole time!

Addison D.

(after 4 months)

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What Is Myofunctional Therapy Used For?

Myofunctional therapy strengthens and realigns the mouth, face, and tongue for better airway capacity. It's the solution for treating common orofacial myofunctional disorders that affect up to 40 percent of the population.


It's ideal for helping tongue ties, mouth breathing, and numerous other health issues that can't be resolved solely by surgery or chiropractic care. 

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And so much more. . . 


Get in Touch

If you're ready to improve your health and vitality with orofacial myofunctional therapy, then submit your info to schedule an appointment so we can discuss your individual concerns.

A dentist or orthodontist referred you

Copyright © 2024 Happy Mouth Myo

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